Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sharing IS caring?

I have started this journey of self discovery and self actualization and I have made a scary realisation. Sharing is the first step of loving. Those of you that know me know I have said for a long time sharing is for suckers, that I hate to share! Well how can you show love without sharing, sharing is a very loving and intimate thing between people. I have never had a problem with sacrifice, or giving up what is mine for someone else and have hidden the fact I hated to share behind my ability to sacrifice. Sacrificing is not a replacement or excuse for not sharing, because there are selfish undertones involved with sacrificing. Now I do not want to get into the debate about whether everything we do is really based in selfish desire, however, the act of sacfrificing something for someone else does make you feel good, it makes you look good to those around you and you feel like you have done something good.
With sharing you are just giving yours up to someone else, you are allowing them to have a portion of yours, depriving yourself of the whole amount. This shows that you are willing to put aside your selfish interests and let someone else take joy in something of yours. Usually, when we are put in a position to sacrifice something, the other person is in need and we have plenty. When it comes to sharing, we may not have plenty and the other person may not need what we have but would just like some. They want the ability to experience the joy or other feeling that you are getting from something.
This is an intimate thing to be a part of. I know that it seems silly to use a word like intimate when you are talking about sharing your chocolate covered almonds with a buddy, but it is intimate and it is loving. Those chocolate almonds give you a good feeling, you enjoy the taste. You want that person that you care about to have the same feeling and enjoy the moment as much as you do, that is why you share.
Can you imagine for all my life, I hated to share with my brother, my friend, my family hell even my wife. What was mine is mine! I will buy you your own fries but you can't have any of mine!
How can that possibly be a loving proper way to live! Sharing is a way to show love. Sharing is caring, and for the first time in my life I see that!

Peace, I'm Outta Here
One Love

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