Monday, October 31, 2011

The Love Movement II

I have spent the weekend considering this further, I guess before I start preaching to the world about "Love Toronto" I need to be the change, I want to see in the world like Gandhi said, the first finger need to be pointed at the "Man in the Mirror". What have I really done to perpetuate the Love Movement? I am sure at some point some of my friends are going to read this and I know none of them can honestly say they can approach me with any kind of criticism with out fear of some sort of retribution or rebuke. And these are my friends! The people I supposedly care for and respect. Forget a stranger. But hey I am perfect, and flawless right? Jeez! Sometimes, a man will wake up and take stock of his life and finally realize the mistakes he has been making for a long time. How have I loved? How have I shown love? I am the first to step on my soapbox and preach about the lack of love, the lack of respect, the selfish nature that we as a people seem to portray. Yet, I am the most selfish of them all. I look in the mirror and see the end all and be all, I see the centre of the universe. How could there possibly be an opinion outside of my own, leave alone the possibility that my opinion could be wrong!
That is a wake up call, that is a game changer!
I am trying to challenge myself, I am trying to be more humble. Realize and appreciate the blessing I have in my life. I don't retract the sentiment I made in the previous posting about a need for more love, but I am not pointing my finger at the rest of the world. Well maybe I am, there is a saying, when you point the finger at someone, there are four more pointing back at you. Those four fingers are suggesting that I need to change myself, once I live the "Love Toronto" movement I want to be a part of, I will not have to preach about it, or point fingers because I will be reaching out my hand. Thats the kind of man I want to be!

Peace, I'm Outta Here
One Love

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