Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Love Movement

So, I have been sitting here and barely paying attention to all these "occupy" movements all over the place. Not really sure I understand what they want and am even less sure they know what they want. I know people are trying to liken this "movement" to that of the hippies in the 60s and 70s but I am not so sure I agree. Most of the people I have seen interviewed or who have something to say, don't really make much sense and don't seem to have a focus or a point. Granted, the big bad media is picking the worst of the bunch to highlight etc etc, but lets be honest, if this was the hippy movement it didn't matter which Tie-Dy wearing stoned kid you pulled outta the crowd he was preaching the "make love, not war" sentiment with all his heart.
Yes I understand there is this opinion that 1% of the population controls the worlds wealth, and the 99% are sick and tired of it. BUT what do you want to do about it? What do you want to change, and how do you want to go about doing it? One of the big problems for me is there seems to be no leadership, no one willing to pick up the torch and lead the people, organise the thoughts of the massive, and focus the groups will on a course of action. Until that happens, until someone can clearly step forward and represent the "Occupy" movement it will just come across as a bunch of lazy people who want to hang out in the park rather then go to work. I mean seriously, how am I supposed to take your claim that you can't find a job seriously when you are sitting in a park, playing your drums on a Wednesday morning. Or how do I really believe you are protesting capitalism, as you march with your Starbucks in one hand and you talk to your friends on your iPhone? How do I take you and your brother in protest seriously when it seems your protesting opposite things. He wants more jobs, birthed by capitalism and you are protesting against the evils of capitalism. See my problem?
That being said, I am in no way saying the world is not in need of a change, but I think the change has to come from a different place. I don't think we can change the systematic problems that exist in the world without attacking the problems that exist within us all. The problem I see is that we have stopped loving one another, taking us right back to the hippies again. They fought to make us realize how important love is and all these years later we have forgotten. We don't love one another, we don't even care for our neighbours let alone strangers. Instead of "Occupy Toronto" how about "Love Toronto" or "Love Wall St."
Lets as a society, find a way to care more for each other, to see the man across the street as a brother, the woman crossing the road as a sister and for them to see me in that same light. It does not have to be grand gestures, I don't want you to go out and hug every person you see and whisper sweet nothings in his/her ear. But when you are riding the bus, why not let that old man have the seat, or that pregnant lady or hell that person that just got on and looks like they have had a hard day. Maybe when you are driving you let the person merge into the lane without rushing to block them, I dunno little things like that. Just be nicer, just be friendlier, just be kinder. Try to shake the selfish shell we have wrapped ourselves in for so long, start seeing the people around us as extensions of ourselves.
Who knows, maybe if we "Love Toronto" we won't need to "Occupy Toronto" because harmony will exist throughout humanity. Sounds like a lofty goal, but as they say, a journey of miles begins with the first step.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8)

Peace, I'm Outta Here
One Love

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