Monday, August 23, 2010

Wedding and more Wedding stuff ... and a bike ride

So friday's wedding was quite awesome actually, Jess and Alex did a great job putting together a wedding that was a real statement to who they were as a couple, I enjoyed it. Factor in, it took place on Jessica's family farm which is AWESOME, I was playing with goats and sheep before the ceremony lol! They even had a deer!
The family drama with "that" side of course occured but quietly and behind my back (I do love how they fear me), but whatever it just goest to show how small minded and jealous they are. Mostly ignored them for most of the night, but enjoyed myself immensly. The desserts were absolutely CRAZY, think of a dessert, it was there! Although I stuffed my face with red velvet cupcakes (Sooooooooo goood!!!). Didn't stay to late, but had a great time!

Saturday got off to a fairly lazy start, tinkered with Erin's bike (filled air, changed her seat etc) then we went for about a 12K bike ride which was fun, then came home and relaxed before heading to the movies, and saw Eat, Pray, Love with my girl Julia Roberts. It was a good movie, and it made me SOOO Hungry LOL! The scenes in Italy were filled with such delectiable goodness (Obviously Italy was the EAT portion of the movie LOL). and then skipped into the theatre next door to watch The Other Guys. THE MOST RANDOM MOVIE EVER!! The entire movie was comprised of random occurances, it was so incredibly silly! I liked it and thought it was pretty funny but man was it random! "Gator, need his gat, Bitch!"

On Sunday, our day began early as we headed to NOTL to take a look at the bridal show being put on by Vintage Hotels, the group that owns the Pillar and the Post. So we were able to see P&P, The Queen's Landing and The Prince of Wales all dressed up for a wedding. This solidified our choice, P&P was easily the best of all the venues and made us even more excited about our wedding. It was the first time my folks had seen the venue and I think they liked it. I know I do!

Anyways that was pretty much the weekend in a nutshell and I am honestly kinda bored so I don't wanna keep typing so...

Peace, I'm outta here!
One Love!

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