Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How is this not fixed already? ...

Well, I was accused of abandoning this medium already, which I quickly responded not abandoned, because I had been planning this blog for a little while now. Let me start with this (which I have already posted on my twitter and facebook accounts)

The images are absolutely shocking and quite disturbing. How do we as a society allow this to happen? We should be outraged, incited and up in arms, yet we stand idley by watching our world be destroyed. I person I know would have stood up outraged and angry, and would be motivated to find a solution though many would have ignored is Michael Jackson (Rest in Peace, Hero). This is one of the reasons I have taken so long to write this blog (still oddly dealing with a bag of emotions over his death). This is the time we need someone to stand up and lead us, we need a voice to rise up and out last the nonsense and noise created by big business and profit and speak for life, and the preservation of our home. I have never by any means been a tree hugger or an overly green guy, but come on this is absolutely ridiculous. I don't understand why Obama has not made more of an outcry, waged more threats against a company like BP and forced them to fix this problem. Of course the executives at BP are dragging thier feet, THEY ARE STILL MAKING A PROFIT!!! The easiest solution to the problem is to TURN OFF THE PIPELINE, but that is not being considered because that would reduce profit.
Well okay so we need ideas for solutions eh? It might be drastic but I have an idea, lets take all the executives from BP, then find thier significant other, thier first born and thier mother. While the execs watch we will slowly begin dipping thier significant other in a pool of oil until either a solution is found or they drown, once they drown, we move onto the first born, then the mother. Something tells me we would find a solution fairly quickly, and hey all is fair in the world of profit right? If plants animals and hell other humans can drown and suffocate in this oil why not the loved ones attached to BP?
Granted I know this is not the answer or the way to find the answer that MJ would come up with, he, with the never fading faith in humanity, would hope that we as a people could make the right choice for the earth and humanity, and maybe HEAL THE WORLD!
Gone to soon Michael, the world could really use you right now!

let me close with this ....
Peace, I'm outta here!
One Love!


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